Friday, September 25, 2009

Back Off? or Slow Down?? (AM Mood)

I feel that writing is the best form of release for me. I mostly write when I’m depressed, moody or sad. And by the gauge of the frequency I’m writing lately, you can tell that I’m in that state of mind constantly for the last 72 hours.

I have no avenue to turn to, to express my inner feelings except by writing. Thank God for Yati, who hear me out last night, pouring my grievances to her and she received it with love and concern. That’s sweet babe, THANK YOU!!! I don’t wanna blare too much to my friends, as I would be repeating myself over and over again, which will make me evoke that same disgusted feeling a million times. So, here I am, writing about my 1-sided affair with her. *sigh…..*

Sometimes she blow hot, sometimes cold. The 1st 2 days was pretty fiery, but after that, it died down. I was wondering if I’m pushing too hard or what. Like what I gathered from her, she wouldn’t have the slightest clue if a guy is interested in her. Her 6th sense is like off all the time! Hahahah…anyway, it’s really no point mulling over this, over and over again when I didn’t even met her yet. So, I don’t know why I’m writing so much over an unreal person!! *sishh!!...*

I will try again to ask her out for a movie, but this time round I’m gonna give her a title and the time frame. At least she has something to work with. If not, she will keep saying,

“I don’t know leh…there’s too much to do…..I’ll let you know when I can ya.”.

And I’m getting bored and irritated in hearing this too many times, even though, in my heart, it’s true to the bone. I never once doubted her as she showed sincerity and “genuineity”. So, the trust has already formed.

I wanna set my mind straight as soon as possible, so that I can move on to whether she’s the one or not. So, I hope she can give me an answer, or at least a clearer indication of whether we can have a date or not. I’ll only be waiting for that to happen…and I will only be giving myself 3 months to settle this. Yes or No…Easy? Simple? Not very…

*strangely, after spilling out my thoughts, I somehow felt lighter and ready to do battle again. Maybe I can tahan another round.. :p*

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