Sunday, January 04, 2009


It’s the 1st entry of the year and I wanna make it a BLAST!! Last 2 weeks had been crazy as hell. Festivities were all around the corner and there’s no escaping. Booze, good food, party dates were the main agenda for all. Good vibe were everywhere and spirits were lifted from this economic downturn. Though moments of despair catches on with me from time to time, I tried not to let it get to me…at least for that 2 weeks. The full blown recession hasn’t reached yet, but the gloom is already very clear. I think I gotta embrace it with the best of my capability and mental strength, in order to pull this through. Job postings are fewer and far between. Like what Soon said, maybe I should try to venture out of my industry and seek employment elsewhere. But I already did!!! Applied for a few government sector jobs, now awaiting for their calls. Well, I’ve already done my part, and now it’s God’s part to turn on his magic.

Enough said of the gloomy stuff, it’s getting to me as I write. Well, NYE was a HUGE success given the last minute arrangement we made at 6pm!! Hahahah…to give some incentive for the West side kids, we headed to Wala Wala, and we didn’t regret it. I reckon it’s even better than celebrating in town. The crowd would have stampeded us all over the place. The food was surprisingly great and cheap booze too. I’m beginning to love 1-for-1 all over again! Hahahha…and there’s MORE. We were given party hats, poppers and other stuff in a gift box while we were there. Isn’t that GREAT!!?? We saved on that as well…it was totally worth it!! Even before the night was over, I was already suggesting we make more trips down here in the future!!! The atmosphere was wild, the crowd was fanatic, and the staff was obliging (we took photos with them!!) too!!! What more can we ask for!!?? For half the price, and twice the fun, who wouldn’t want to visit Wala Wala again..WE WOULD!!!

Coz there’s so many pubs/clubs there days, that the heartland businesses got affected, which is good for us on occasions like these. There’s definitely a shorter queue and finding seats weren’t a problem. And we went down at 10.30pm!! So, it was great. Normally in the past, Wala Wala would be overflowing with people by then, but I guess most of them head down to Clarke Quay, St James and Dempsey for the celebration..well……….GOOD FOR US. The funny thing is, after the countdown, immediately I saw people leaving. SO FAST!!!?? That to me was a funny sight. At least stayed on for a drink or two ma…Anyway, the pub closes at 2am, so we left at 1 and headed to a prata shop to sober ourselves up. Kekekek…

We ain’t drunk but still we got high on the atmosphere. Everyone was in high spirits and we had games which forfeit was to take photos with fellow party revelers. Hahahah…it was FUN!!! We did something we wouldn’t do in the past and it was liberating in a sense. We did something new and I guess that’s what life is all about. Discovering new stuff, doing it and enjoying the process :).

The New Year started off pretty well and I’m hoping to build on it and eventually holding a job in the coming month or two. That’s my main resolution for 09. Get a job and buckle down to business. It’s been a while, since I experience some hectic in my life. Hahahah…I enjoy the hustle and bustle of work life. It makes me feel ALIVE and USEFUL. Now when friends asked what I’m doing now, I rather shy away then reveal full details. The self esteem is gone and I want to capture it back sooner rather than later. Lately, many things have opened up my perspective on life and how it should be run. I try to incorporate it into my own and be less skeptical of myself. Let it flow and deal with it when it comes. Life ain’t so bad when you look around you. And money isn’t everything but life experience is. It’s more valuable for the soul than money can do. I was watching rerun of this local drama, Sense of Home, and I’m inspired to just leave home and explore what the world can offer me. I know it sounds very irresponsible and drama, but isn’t what life is all about??!! I felt free inside me when I thought of that. even though I can’t have the monetary comfort, but I know I gain a lot more elsewhere. Very hippy thinking rite…hahahha…

Phew, what a freaking long entry!!! Not gonna say anymore. It can go on forever…Happy 2009!!

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