Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Day 1 - Krabi

I was pretty apprehensive about the weather for the next 5 days after I read the weather forecast from FOUR different websites. So you know how I was feeling when I got there. The weather was cloudy and rain clouds were forming, so we didn’t get the best of starts. Later it did rained while we were negotiating franticly with the tour agent, Mona. Hahahah…it was funny coz we kept slashing prices until she’s scared. :p especially from me. She always gave me the “stare” whenever I say, “6 people only!” hahahah…coz that may lead to more cost cutting. Anyway, it was fun and we got on with the packages for whole 4 days.

We checked out Krabi town and sniff around the area with delight. Food and more food were the order of the day. Basically, there isn’t much shopping you can do there except eat. So we ate our way for the next 120 hours. Kekekek… :p

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