Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nothing better to do today...kekek

Had an ok day today. Pulling my hair out now!! Nothing much to do except for the change of instructions from my PM for new vessels. Seems like for every new vessel, there will be revised instructions. So bloody contradicted. Sian…anyway, not gonna stay here for long, so not gonna bother about her. And that thought belongs to other 3 other colleagues of mine. All just waiting for the fat bonus and get the hell out of HERE!! Hahahaha…

Aiyo, as the day passes, the more feminine I “think” I’m becoming. Hmmm…not sure how I derived that feeling or longing. Think I could become the next Jay Manuel (he’s the CD in America’s Next Top Model). Girly but yet keeping my man form ; ). Sounds tempting…kekekke…nah…gonna hold that thought in the back burner unless I go berserk. Hahahah… :p It feels more fun being gay than a guy. I think it comes with the package. Fun=gay?? I reckon they found in themselves their true selves and allowing that to surface and facing the world. A world that shun their species. But heck them, they go from strength to strength, and become stronger mentally.

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